Towson Divorce Lawyers
Choose Representation Carefully to Come Out Ahead
It is crucial that those who are contemplating a divorce choose their representation carefully. During this difficult, often emotionally-charged time in a person’s life, selecting a divorce lawyer should be a top priority. Following are some tips a person can consider when determining who will represent them during divorce proceedings.
Resources for Selecting a Divorce Lawyer
Friends and family who have successfully navigated a divorce can prove to be an invaluable resource. In all likelihood, divorced acquaintances will have strong feelings on who was helpful during their journey – and who was not. Arrange interviews with a short list of attorneys who are highly recommended, and be open and honest about what you hope to achieve from your divorce. When no personal recommendations are available from friends or family an accountant, therapist or member of the clergy will likely have at least some insight into local divorce lawyers due to the nature of their jobs.
If there are assets you desire outright, such as the marital home, or if you intend to seek primary legal and physical child custody of any shared children, discuss your goals with each attorney and take their advice to heart. Divorce lawyers have extensive experience with the process. Do not immediately discount an attorney who tells you that your wish list may need to be re-evaluated. A good divorce lawyer will be realistic about your odds for success while at the same time committed to obtaining the best possible outcome for each client.
To that end, it is helpful when estranged spouses are in agreement about whether their divorce should proceed inside or outside of court. High asset divorces and divorces in which child custody will be hotly disputed are often better served with judicial oversight and the aide of attorneys. Even when a couple believes they can put their differences aside and reach a resolution on their own, however, legal representation is still advisable. Mediation – overseen by a trained divorce lawyer – can provide participants with a lower-stress, streamlined mechanism for ending their marriage. Seek out a firm which offers clients representation across all settings, Towson divorce lawyers say.
Towson Divorce Lawyers: Costs, Compatibility Matter
When interviewing a potential attorney it is also beneficial to discuss pay structure and billing practices. A protracted and messy litigated divorce will often result in a higher price tag than a divorce resolved through mediation. By being up front about what they are able to afford, clients can make a more informed decision about which divorce lawyer can best meet their needs.
Lastly, estranged spouses should trust their intuition when seeking legal representation. If an initial meeting with an attorney leaves you with a suspicion that your styles may not be compatible your instinct is more often than not correct. A divorce lawyer should be a staunch advocate, readily available to answer questions and prepared to keep their client apprised of every step in the process. When an interviewee, no matter how highly recommended by friends or family, appears disinterested in taking your case it is best to continue the search.
Towson Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Provide Compassionate, Qualified Counsel
Choosing the right representation in a divorce is one of the most important decisions an estranged spouse will make. Our Towson divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC offer clients a wide variety of divorce-related services, from mediation to the drafting of parenting plans to representation in court, if and when necessary. At our Hunt Valley, Pikesville and Towson offices we serve clients throughout Baltimore County, Harford County, Carroll County and Howard County, including Towson, Essex, Columbia and Bel Air. To discuss your upcoming divorce, call us today to schedule your free confidential consultation. We can be reached at 443-589-0150 or complete our online questionnaire.