One of the least pleasant aspects of being a landlord is the need to evict tenants. Though many renters pose no real problems to property owners, others are a source of constant difficulty and leave landlords no other choice. Landlords may also have to evict tenants if they want to stop using the property as a rental. Either way, it is not always a simple process, and it must first be determined if eviction is a legal option. If the landlord has grounds to evict the tenant, it has to be done according to certain procedures.
Changes to the Property’s Use
Some owners decide to move into one of their rental units, and may file to evict the renters that live there. This also applies if the owner wants an immediate family member to move in. Rules for this vary by state and include waiting until the school year ends if the tenant has children, or other options if the tenant is disabled. Some landlords may be responsible for covering a tenant’s relocation costs. If the property needs to be taken off the rental market, the landlord may file to evict the tenants. This process also varies by state, and can include specific advance notice times that must be provided to the renters, or relocation costs.
Tenant Failings
The two main reasons why tenants are evicted are because they do not pay their rent, or they violate their lease. In Maryland, landlords do not have to provide non-paying renters with notice before initiating eviction proceedings. If the tenant wishes to halt the eviction by paying rent up to date, late fees, and court costs, they may do so.
Lease violations can range from parties hiding a pet to sharing an apartment with unnamed tenants not listed on the lease agreement. In these situations, the property owner must provide the tenant with notice and time to correct the violation before an eviction lawsuit is filed. The timing is as follows:
- Fourteen day notice if the lease violation poses danger to the tenant or anyone else on the property
- Thirty day notice if there is no harm being caused to anyone
How the Process Works in Maryland
Once a landlord files a complaint and summons with the county district court, the renter receives copies of the paperwork and a time and date for a hearing with a judge. Tenants that want to challenge their evictions have to appear in court, and the judge will make a determination. To legally evict a tenant, the landlord must have a court order from a judge; there is no other option. Once a tenant is legally evicted, it may be a good idea to shut off the water, electricity, cable, and any other utilities. Many landlords also choose to change the locks on the doors and windows for added security.
Towson Real Estate Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Guide Landlords Through the Eviction Process
If it is time to evict your tenants, but you are facing roadblocks, do not hesitate to contact the knowledgeable Towson real estate lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC. We offer free case evaluations and experienced legal guidance. Complete our online form or call us at 443-589-0150 today. Located in Hunt Valley and Towson, Maryland, we serve clients throughout Baltimore, Baltimore County, Bel Air, Bentley Springs, Columbia, Freeland, Hereford, Hampton, Westminster, Essex, Monkton, Sparks Glencoe, Parkton, Phoenix, Pikesville, White Hall, Carroll County, Harford County, and Howard County.