Parents without primary custody of children will need to adapt their schedules post-divorce to see them. Also, parents will need to adjust expectations with regard to the amount of time they can spend with them. Parents without custody may not be living with their children. They may only have them for limited periods of time. Living apart takes away daily opportunities and routines for parental involvement. Spending quality time will require planning and extra effort. Making the most of the time allowed is the best way to keep the parental bonds intact. Try to take advantage of all the opportunities available to maximize the time spent with them. The following are a few suggestions that may be incorporated easily.
Volunteering in School
Some of the best ways to be present in your children’s lives after divorce is to be engaged in the children’s education and schooling. Set up a regular time in school to volunteer in class, this way a parent can see their child on a regular basis and get to know the child’s teachers and classmates. Another way to get involved is to chaperone field trips. Staying connected through school is a good way to show your support.
Make the Most of Your Time
Plan ahead so that when a parent does have custody, the children will be the focus of the visit. Clear the calendar to attend special events. There are many opportunities and children’s activities around town. Explore these opportunities together. There are many events involving arts and crafts in local libraries, museums, and theatres. Inquire with friends and colleagues about upcoming events. The internet and social media platforms are another great way to find out about activities.
Build In Quality Down Time
Although taking children to special events can create a fun and memorable experience, doing routine things with children is just as important. Include them in meal preparations and involve them in washing, chopping, cooking, serving and clean up. Including children in routine activities can be a relaxing way to spend time together.
Pursue Hobbies and Sports Together
Parents can get involved in the extra curricular activities of their children by coaching and volunteering. Coaching their sports team or volunteering in the children’s extra curricular activity is another way to build in extra time with them.
Participate in Special Events and Milestones
It is important to have a good relationship with the co-parent with primary custody so that you are informed of all school events and special event planning. Attend all back-to-school nights, talent shows, recitals, science fairs, and debate competitions with your child. Get involved in the planning, share in the responsibilities, and contribute financially to these events.
Baltimore Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Help Clients with Parenting Plans
Negotiating custody rights can be daunting for any parent. If you need assistance with a parenting plan, the Baltimore divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC advocate on your behalf to obtain the best outcome for your family. For a free consultation, call us at 443-589-0150 or contact us online. Located in Hunt Valley and Towson, Maryland, we serve clients throughout Baltimore, Baltimore County, Bel Air, Bentley Springs, Columbia, Freeland, Hereford, Hampton, Westminster, Essex, Monkton, Sparks Glencoe, Parkton, Phoenix, Pikesville, White Hall, Carroll County, Harford County, and Howard County.