Divorce can be a process that leaves lingering hostilities and issues between exes. Often, the easiest solution is to simply discontinue contact, but in the case of shared custody of a child, there are certain events in which both parents should be present. One such event is a child’s graduation. It is important for both parents to attend their child’s graduation ceremonies, no matter how strained the relationship is between them. For this purpose, it may be necessary to negotiate an arrangement for the ceremony and put discomfort aside for the sake of the child.
The most important thing to keep in mind as the parent of a graduating child is that the graduation ceremony is not your day. Keep in mind that you will want your child to have pleasant memories of this day, so the focus should not be about yourself and your ex’s relationship. Reassure your child that both parents will be there to support him or her and do not try to make your child choose which parent can attend. No parent is entitled to a priority over the other to attend a child’s graduation ceremony. Even if one parent contributed more financially towards the child’s education than the other, that does not give him or her the right to attend alone.
New Partners or Stepparents
If you or your ex-spouse have new romantic partners who have played little to no role in your child’s life so far, it may be best to avoid potential conflict by requesting that they do not attend. However, if a stepfather or stepmother has played a large role in your child’s life, then they should be welcomed at the ceremony if space permits and your child agrees to have them present.
Communicating with Your Ex-Spouse
Some divorces create an almost unavoidable hostility. If it is very difficult for you and your ex-spouse to be civil with one another, it may be best to request seating in different areas for the ceremony. If this is not possible, try to put hostilities aside, even if it means avoiding all communication or confrontation. If your child asks for a picture with both parents, do your best to be gracious and agree to it. When it comes to celebratory meals or parties afterward, if it is too difficult to get along with an ex-spouse, consider separate celebrations, whether on different days or at different times of day.
Towson Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Help Navigate Divorce Issues
If you are contemplating a divorce, the Towson divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC are prepared to help you through it. Call 443-589-0150 to schedule a free consultation regarding your situation, or contact us online. Our offices are located in Towson, Pikesville, and Hunt Valley. We serve clients throughout Maryland, including those in Baltimore County, Howard County, Harford County, and Carroll County.