You have made peace with your decision to divorce. You have told the kids and have started to move forward. Now, how do you tell friends and extended family? Is there a right way to let people know that you are going through a divorce? Divorce is a public event, and your loved ones may be more invested in your marriage than you realize. Use the following tips to make telling others about your divorce as painless as possible.
Expect the Unexpected
When you told loved ones you were getting married, you probably received enthusiastic congratulations. Yet, the reactions to your divorce might be less encouraging. If your spouse was abusive, unfaithful, or neglectful, your friends and family might be relieved and supportive. However, if your spouse is a great person – just not great for you – your notification might be met with disbelief or disapproval. It is important to respectfully yet confidently assure your loved ones that you have given this decision a great deal of thought and are confident that divorce is the best option for your family
Keep it Simple
With the exception of your immediate family members and closest friends, keep the announcement of your divorce direct and concise. Coworkers and neighbors do not need to know the details of your divorce. Consider sending out a brief e-mail letting others know that you have decided to end your marriage, you appreciate their support, and ask that they respect your privacy at this time. If you and your ex are cordial, you can send out a joint e-mail. Consider including new contact information if either spouse is relocating.
Be Discreet
After you have shared the news with others, there is no need to disclose much more. Teachers, coworkers, and other acquaintances only need to know the details that affect their relationships with your family. As tempting as it may be, refrain from oversharing on social media. Your followers do not need to know about your ex’s gambling problem or infidelity. Sharing the gritty details of your failed marriage may not only jeopardize your divorce proceedings, but more importantly – the health and well-being of you and your children.
Cut Your Losses
You are healing from the loss of your marriage. You are ready for a fresh start and a new life. Divorce may cause you to feel more loss than you expected. Family members you assumed would stand by you through thick and thin might surprise you by taking your ex’s “side.” Married friends who suddenly do not know how to relate to you as a single person can drift away. Even family members on your side might decide that your ex is the victim, especially if you initiated the divorce. As tough as this may be to accept, it is the easiest way to determine who you can truly count on for love and support.
Towson Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Tackle Complicated Divorces
If you are considering ending your marriage, consult with us about pursuing a divorce in Maryland. The guidance of our Towson divorce lawyers will help you make the best decision for you and your family. Contact Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC today at 443-589-0150 for a free consultation. You can also contact us online.
We serves clients in Cockeysville, Lutherville Timonium, Upper Falls, Phoenix, Riderwood, Sparks Glencoe, Towson, Brooklandville, Butler, Stevenson, Glyndon, Monkton, Reisterstown, Pikesville, Owings Mills, Parkville, Boring, Glen Arm, Baldwin, Upperco, Hydes, and Baltimore County.