A recent court decision in Maryland could have a significant impact on parenting rights for same-sex couples. According to the ruling, an adult who has raised a child could be considered a legal parent by the court even if he or she does not have a biological or adoptive relationship with that child. The ruling will apply to both traditional and same-sex couples, but will most profoundly affect same-sex couples who have separated after raising children together.
Until this decision was handed down, same-sex parents, whose legal status as parents was often not straightforward, had little protection or rights in the event of a separation of divorce. Now, regardless of how a person becomes a parent, his or her rights and parental status will be recognized by the court.
If you helped raise a child with your partner, but you are not the biological or adoptive parent of the child, you may still be eligible for parenting time, custody and visitation rights in the event of a separation or divorce. Call Baltimore family law lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC at 443-589-0150 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.