On “The Osbournes,” a hit reality television show during the early 2000s, viewers enjoyed a close-up look at that the marriage between Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. Despite their fame and fortune, the couple faced the same struggles as many others, including substance abuse, financial strain, and occasionally divergent parenting styles. In early May, however, Sharon Osbourne announced that their marriage had finally reached its end. Shortly thereafter rumors surfaced that Ozzy Osbourne, 67, had been unfaithful to his wife of 33 years.
With time and effort from both parties, a single act of infidelity can potentially be overcome. Couples can benefit from marriage counseling to gain a better understanding of what led them astray, and whether or not their union can survive. Additionally, it is imperative that couples talk openly and honestly about where they believe their marriage can improve. When infidelity is part of a larger pattern, or when a spouse develops strong feelings for a new love interest, the marriage may have become unsalvageable.
Infidelity is difficult to overcome under any circumstance, but it is especially damaging for couples – like the Osbournes – who have been married for an extended period of time. The foundation of any good marriage is trust, and when a partner cheats on his or her spouse, that trust is often irreparably broken, making divorce the only viable option.
Towson Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Aid in the Divorce Process
If you or a loved one is contemplating a divorce in Maryland, our Towson divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC will be the advocate you need. We offer compassionate and knowledgeable counsel for clients who may be reeling from a revelation of infidelity. Call us today to schedule your free confidential consultation at our Hunt Valley, Pikesville, or Towson, Maryland offices, where we will review with you all legal options, should you choose to proceed with a divorce. We serve clients throughout Baltimore County, Harford County, Carroll County and Howard County, including Essex, Columbia, and Bel Air. We can be reached at 443-589-0150, or contact us online.