Divorce is one of the most stressful life events. Knowing if and when to divorce is often one of the most difficult decisions one has to face. Marriage involves a tremendous commitment to your partner. Often life stresses can create conflicts that seem unresolvable. Working on communication skills in the marriage can provide tools for the partners to work through some challenging issues. If needed, marital counseling can facilitate open and honest communication. Also, the process of divorce can be very difficult, both emotionally and financially. The “grass is not always greener” on the other side.
However, there are some general guidelines one might want to review before making this life-altering decision. Life is too short to remain in a marriage that is not gratifying for either party. If your negative interactions are happening more frequently than the positive ones, it can drain your resolve to remain in the relationship. When the relationship is emotionally draining you, a divorce may be a solution for your emotional well-being.
If you are convinced that you would be better off living alone because your marriage is not meeting your personal and relationship needs, then perhaps it is time to evaluate your options. Each party in a relationship has a responsibility to try to fulfill the other person’s needs, as best as they can, from a partner’s perspective. If your partner is not caring or considerate of your wants or needs, it may be very difficult to remain considerate of theirs, which may lead to discord and arguments. Some couples argue mildly about insignificant things, while others have vicious fights. If your disagreements are overly nasty and counseling does not help, it may be time to consider leaving the relationship.
It is fortunate if we marry someone with the same core values we hold dear. If your partner is career oriented and you are as well, then that may make it easier to set and achieve goals together. If one of you is career oriented, spending all your time at the office, while the other one of you is raising several children home alone, this may lead to problems unless that is a choice you have both made together. Setting goals for the marriage at an early stage and working to achieve them together can provide real benefits. Staying in an unhappy marriage for the children may not be a good idea. Some people think it teaches children to stay the course. However, others believe what it usually teaches them is that marriage is a negative, unpleasant arrangement. It may make them resentful and reluctant to marry themselves.
If you are being abused or there is infidelity, the marriage vows are broken. It is not a good idea to remain in an unhealthy marriage that is not benefiting either of the parties, even if it seems like the alternative would be worse due to financial reasons or what others my think of the breakup of the marriage.
Sometimes consulting a divorce lawyer will help, even if you have not made your final decision. A consultation with a good family law lawyer may lead to a solution, such as a temporary separation, that will give both parties breathing room which may lead to resolution of some if not all issues. Consider all your options and think carefully about what you can and cannot tolerate in your marriage, then do what is best for you and your children.
Towson Divorce Lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC, Represent Clients Filing For Divorce
Towson divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC will assist you in properly filing for divorce and will protect your rights and the best interests of you and your children. We strive to handle your divorce with the least amount of stress to you and your family. We serve clients throughout Maryland, including Baltimore County, Harford County and Howard County, as well as residents of Towson, Bel Air, Columbia, Westminster and Essex. Our offices are located in Towson, East Pikesville, and Hunt Valley, Maryland. Contact us online or call us for a free consultation at 443-589-0150.