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Towson Divorce Lawyers: Maryland Residency Requirement Shortened for Divorce

The Maryland legislature passed a law which just took effect on October 1, 2015 which reduces the residency requirement for filing of a divorce. Previously, one of the parties in the marriage had to reside in Maryland for twelve months before a divorce action could be instituted in Maryland. That has been shortened. Now, one of the parties must reside in Maryland for only the previous six months before the filing of an action for divorce. This significant reduction from one year to six months will make it easier for parties who have recently relocated in Maryland to file for a divorce within Maryland. This reduction in the residency requirement was initially designed primarily to help service members, but it is applicable to all persons who now meet the six month minimum residency requirement.

For more information, call Towson divorce lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles at 443-589-0150 or contact us online.

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