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Court Again Rules Against Social Host Liability

Many parents have nightmares about their teenaged children drinking alcohol at a friend’s house then getting in a car accident because the driver had been drinking. This can lead to severe injury or even death. Unfortunately, this nightmare scenario happened to Nancy Davis.

Her 17 year old son Steven Dankos was at a party drinking at his friend Kevin’s house. Kevin’s mom was willing to permit and condone underage drinking, and allowed parties of high schoolers every weekend. During one of the parties, David Erdman became very intoxicated. Kevin’s mom was aware of this intoxication but failed to stop him from further drinking, call his parents, drive him home, take his keys or do anything else to stop Mr. Erdman from driving himself home.

Unfortunately, Mr. Erdman drove home and crashed his truck onto Folly Quarter Road, ejecting Steven from the truck. Steven died from these injuries. Mr. Erdman’s BAC was .21, more than 2.5 times the legal limit. Nancy Davis sued the parent who allowed underage drinking in the house. Despite the extreme facts in this case, which show that Kevin’s mom acted horribly, the Court still did not allow the lawsuit to continue against Kevin’s mom, because the State of Maryland does not recognize this as a reason you can sue. Unfortunately, unless the legislature does something to change this antiquated law, people like Nancy Davis will not get the compensation they deserve for parents who act totally irresponsibly.

For more information, contact Towson personal injury lawyers at Huesman, Jones & Miles at 443-589-0150 or contact us online.

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