Once your divorce is finalized and you no longer have any issues to settle, you may find yourself at sea and not knowing which way to head. This is especially true of contentious divorces but may also apply in any type of split. When you and your ex were embroiled in the intricacies of dissolving your marriage under the guidance of your attorney, other goals may have slipped away. Instead of feeling happiness and relief at the end of the divorce process, you may go through a period of sadness, grief, and even depression. Regret and second-guessing may plague you. Inaction may seem the only option. No matter the length of your marriage, you may need to address these post-divorce feelings and scenarios so you can move forward with life. Try taking the following steps to get yourself back into the swing of things:
- Stay in the present moment. While you may find it difficult to stop yourself from running over past events, it is best to stay in the present moment and try not to dwell on how things could have been different. Moving forward is your goal.
- Seek counseling. Professional help can provide you with an objective view of what you are experiencing and can offer you solutions for coping with your emotional issues after your divorce. Whether you seek out clergy or a psychologist, a support group or a psychiatrist, you are making an attempt to overcome your problems.
- Seek out friends. After divorce, like many people, you need the comfort and sympathy of friends and family who allow you to speak your mind and let out your feelings.
If the issues of divorce are behind you, allow yourself to move on. In the event that you need to address modifications of your divorce decree, do not hesitate to speak with a skilled Towson MD divorce lawyer.