Social Security provides much needed income to people as they advance in years. It is often difficult to understand when to apply for the program and what type of benefits might be available to assist with the expenses of life in later years.
One of the Social Security programs available to persons who have been in a long-term marriage is divorced spouse benefits. This lifeline may become extremely important, especially when a divorced spouse has no other income stream available. Even if you have never been employed, the program may be able to provide you with benefits. Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Baltimore divorce lawyer who can explain the program to you.
Under the divorced spouse benefits program, you may be eligible to receive benefits based on the earnings record of your divorced spouse if you meet the following requirements:
- You and your former spouse were married for at least 10 years.
- You are at least age 62.
- You are unmarried.
- You are not eligible for higher Social Security benefits on your own record.
Your former spouse must be eligible to receive benefits, but you can apply even if your former spouse has not applied as long as you have been divorced for at least two years.
There are other situations in which you may be eligible to collect, such as if you are a surviving divorced spouse of a disabled spouse. A skilled attorney can assist you with understanding what you might be entitled to collect under the Social Security program after your divorce. Contact the Maryland family law firm of Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC to schedule a free consultation with one of our reputable Baltimore County divorce lawyers. Call our Hunt Valley, MD office at (443) 589-0150 or contact us online.