In November last year, five young people were out for a ride at 11:30 pm. Traveling too fast, the 21-year old driver failed to negotiate a severe curve and drove his car and passengers into a guardrail, became airborne and slammed into a tree. The impact split the car, leaving half in a deep ravine and the other half 100 feet away. The driver and two passengers died immediately, while two others ended their night in critical condition.
It is an old story with different grieving families, but with the same tragic loss of potential and life. According to the Maryland Department of Transportation, someone dies in a young-driver-involved collision every three days in our state.
To pursue compensation for injured clients, our office meticulously and rapidly investigates severe car and truck accidents. Accident reconstruction relies on evidence that fades fast. In this case, law enforcement may uncover errors like speeding or other reckless driving behaviors, possible alcohol use and failure to use seatbelts.
Nothing can undo death. In a horrific accident, compensation helps survivors regain a semblance of life. But preventing more death is the only response to tragedy like this. Help young drivers stay alive by reminding them:
- More is not merrier. Research shows multiple passengers increase the incidence of serious accidents involving young drivers
- Pay attention: Distraction, speeding, failure to yield, and following too closely are leading causes of Maryland accidents.
A dark night, a winding road, and a band of friends that never came home — try to improve the odds that yours is not the next grieving family.