Thoughts on alimony in Maryland
While child custody disputes trigger bitter court battles, the topic of spousal support often creates equally intense conflicts.
Across the nation, alimony reform is in the public eye. In Florida, activists aim to limit lifetime support orders and prevent impoverishment of those paying support. Last September, revision of Texas divorce laws loosened judicial discretion in making awards, a positive step for those seeking support.
In Maryland, spousal support is rehabilitative—intended to support a financially disadvantaged partner until he or she can develop a reasonable income. While either spouse can be ordered to pay alimony, currently most support recipients are women.
Without exceptional circumstances like disability or other factors, most spousal support awards in Maryland terminate on an end date, or on the occasion of cohabitation, remarriage, or death of a recipient spouse.
If left to a court, the decision to grant support is based on a number of factors, including:
- Duration of marriage
- Education, work history, and earning ability of each spouse
- Accustomed standard of living
- Relative contributions of each partner to the household
- Tax consequences, fault in divorce, and other criteria
The need for spousal support is created during the good years, when partners willingly contribute unique talents to construct a mutually attractive lifestyle. When a marriage sours, those contributions—and the need for spousal support—are often challenged.
Whether seeking spousal support or ordered to pay it, contact our Baltimore County alimony lawyers for solid advice on providing support when needed. Call Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC today at (443) 589-0150 or contact us online.