When you adopt, you are emotionally and legally making a child not born to you a permanent member of your family. You become responsible for the care, shelter, clothing, education and general wellbeing of your adopted child—the same as the children born to you. This is a huge commitment.
It is generally recommended to consult an experienced family law attorney to get advice before starting the process so you can prepare for the changes an adopted child may bring.
How to start the adoption process
Deciding to adopt is just the first of many decisions you must make before you can take adoption to the next level. Do you wish to adopt a boy or girl? Infant, toddler or school-age child? American or foreign-born? Answers to these questions will guide your next steps.
There are many options available for those who wish to adopt a child in Maryland:
- Public agencies. There are local, government-funded Social Services departments in every county, plus Baltimore City, to aid the adoption process. These agencies do not charge for their services. They are dedicated to finding good homes for mainly school-age children who need permanent families.
- Private agencies. If you who wish to adopt an infant or a child from another country, you are advised to apply to private agencies. Fees may be quite large, although church-sponsored agencies may charge on a sliding scale.
- Adoptive parent groups. Classes to help you understand the adoption process are offered by several community-based groups and national organizations. You may find a group near you by calling 800-39-ADOPT.
Experienced Towson Adoption Lawyers: Call Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC Today
Protecting your rights and those of your new family member are so important. For more information from an experienced Towson family lawyer, contact Gary Miles to get you through all the red tape and help you have a successful adoption experience.